The milk cake, german cup cake, salted caramel cookie, and crinkle cookie are all amazing you can’t go wrong with any of them 😍 This branch doesn’t have seating, but the service was great regardless
The tre leches (milk cake) and banana cream pie are things you must try here, and Dexter who was at the cashier was very honest and accommodating and also gave us samples of the billionaire brownie.
المكان ينفع للصباح شرح ويفتح النفس، أخذت ماجيك بار مره يممي وبنانا بودنق بالبندق تجربة جديدة الي يحبون الموز بيعجبهم وفلات وايت بس اغلبها حليب القهوة خفيف طعمها، السعر مرتفع جداً.