Stop by this charming danish town on your way up or down the 101. Wine tasting, bakery hopping, and biking around town are only a few of the many things to do here!
How fun to visit Solvang as a Dane! They really have tried to gather all the good and classic Danish things! Visit the all year round Christmas shop and get a huge cinnamon roll at one of the bakeries
Famous for their DanishVillage! Nice souvenir shops! Try AJ SPURS saloon restaurant in Buellton..jst minutes away..they open @4pm for dinner only, Yummy food BIG portions! $$ but worth it!
est. 1911 by the Danish-American Colony Company who bought 9,000 acres of land at $40 an acre. There are 4 Windmills in the village. Solvang = "sunny fields" in Danish.