Try the BYU famous fudge at the bookstore. Check our the Museum of Art and it's yummy cafe upstairs (only open in afternoon). Bowling in the WSC is reasonably priced and fun.
2015/9/2NHK総合「ためしてガッテン」家族が涙!トイレ問題大解決SP。Splash Lab:Tadd T. Truscott(テッド・トラスコット)准教授とRandy Hurd(ランディ・ハード)研究員が、プラトー・レイリー不安定性を用いた立ち小便器での尿ハネ防止論を2013年流体力学の学会で発表して以来大反響。
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study in the library until 11:45PM when it is announced that you must leave. Sometimes they put on loudmusic over the PA system. One time they played "The Wheat" by Hans Zimmer (Gladiator Soundtrack)