A must visit to their dome & climb at the top to see the panaromic view of city of Rome! 🇮🇹 You may get claustrophobia & tired climbing the narrow stairs but it is totally worth it! #RomeHighlights
Most beautiful and magnificent basilica I've ever visited. Also, if you re going to museums, you can exit from museums to basilica and skip the line for basilica.
Una de las visitas obligadas si se va al Vaticano. Mucha cola. Lo mejor el Baldaquino, la piedad de Miguel Ángel, la estatua de San Pedro. Imprescindible subir a la cúpula 👍👍👍👍
La Basílica de San Pedro es una belleza. Hay obras grandiosas como la Piedad de Miguel Ángel como así también el Baldaquino de Bernini que es una obra magnífica. La entrada es gratuita.
This basilica has a lot of history, download the rick stevens walking tour. Also there is a lot of art all around. The walking tour will give you a great deal of information
Ver a "La piedad" fue lo más bonito, me parece. El altar es impresionante. La arquitectura en algunos de los salones laterales es tan barroca que empalaga. Abajo hay criptas y es muy pintoresco.
Lugar obrigatório e de uma energia de arrancar lágrimas. Sonho antigo, realizado com superação das expectativas. Faça as visitas com audio-guias, que fornecem muitas informações sobre os elementos.
Kilisenin içi muhteşem, mutlaka görülmeli👌🏻 Şans eseri Papa'nın ayinine denk geldik hatta ön sıradan izledik. Ziyaretiniz sırasında sizin de şansınızın yaver gitmesini dilerim. Çok güzeldi ❤️🐞🍀✨
A basílica eh bem bonita.Cheia de detalhes arquitetônicos, do piso ao teto. Com muitas esculturas e pinturas. Tudo muito belo.Suba na cúpula para ver outro ângulo da igreja e de Roma. Vale a pena.
С купола собора открывается лучший вид на Рим) рекомендую придти рано утром, чтобы избежать очередей. Обязательно удобная обувь, так как подъем довольно крутой, лифт до конца не идёт. Мы шли пешком)
Démesurée et magnifique. Là encore, visiter le matin à l'ouverture pour mieux profiter des lieux, sans la foule des touristes, et éviter la chaleur si vous monter en haut du dôme (à faire !!!).
Enorme e muito linda! Do lado direito tem a capela do Sagrado Coração somente para orações, no meio tem a tumba de papas e ao lado esquerdo fica a entrada pra o museu do tesouro.
Un lugar que proyecta orden y seguridad a cada paso, la parte interna de la basílica es hermosa, dentro se puede disfrutar de la escultura la piedad de Miguel Ángel debemos ser pacientes, muy visitado
Mikelanjelo ve Bernini’nin heykelleri var. Dünyadaki en büyük kilise imiş. Duvardaki resimler aslında Rafael tarafından yapılan mozaiklermiş. Giriş ücretsiz ama sıra oluyor.
Marvelous architecture, one of the best visit in Rome. The view was stunningly beautiful. On weekdays visit the area was not really jam packed with people.
La ciudad del Vaticano es preciosa y muy limpia, se nota que la cuidan mucho. Hay unas fuentes preciosas y está rodeada de esculturas divinas. Admirable de ver.
Messe de Pâques à l'extérieur sur la place. "Ouverture" de la place à 8h00 pour la messe à 10h15 et la bénédiction papale à 12h00. Chouette occasion de voir le pape mais on n'est pas tout seul ;)
Vatikan’da en göze çarpan binadır,Hıristiyanlığın en önemli kilisesidir. Giriş ücretsiz ama kontrolden geçtiğiniz için erken gitmekte fayda var. İçerisi muhteşem gold işlemelerle dolu,göz alıcı💒❤️🔥
Lugar maravilhoso! Com uma energia incrível! É gratuito e a fila anda super rápido - reserve um tempo p subir na doma, vista espetacular (8 ou 10 euros p subir)
The best part is the top, the "cupola". Price is 8 EUR if you take the stairs. The stairs gets smaller and crooked. Funny and worth every penny! Physical work is required. Otherwise take the elevator.
Go to the visitor information on the left of the piazza at 2.15pm Monday to Friday and join the free tour run by students of the Pontifical North American College. Very very very good.
You can go for free but you will make a long line, if you are in a hurry you can buy a fast pass in some tourist agencies, definitely it’s a place to visit in Roma
Make sure not to miss the walk up the dome. Its an experience and a great view. Make sure to go early in the morning as the vatican gets crazy crowded after 11.00
Really!?! It’s St Peter’s Basilica, what else can one say? Spectacular in every way, with the sheer size and enormity of it giving one a sense of insignificance.
Of course, 'majestic' doesn't begin to cover it. This place was built with getting a ticket to Heaven in mind. Lines to get inside are long, but move fast. Either be patient, or start acting Italian.
One of the most amazing architecturemonuments in the world.You can stand under the the cupola and admire the unbelievable work of human. Marvelous building.
On the right side of the apse is the tomb of Urbanus VIII Barberini, made by his friend Bernini 1627-44. In the act of benediction, the mantle demonstrates his authority. Charity & Justice mourn him.
Très impressionnant cette basilique! Une expérience à faire absolument si on est à Rome. Conseil, arrivé tôt le matin pour passer moins de temps dans la file et assister à une des messes!
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Was filled with awe touring this amazing basilica and as I always describe it, it's the living center of Earth and I'm not that religious but couldn't help feeling the great power of God and man in it
A must see. Ornate, decorative, embellished. Under the alter is the resting place of St. Peter. A glimpse inside and you understand why this is one of the holiest places in the world.
Incredibly beautiful, largest Catholic church in the world. As with the museum, get skip the line tickets if you can. Be sure to touch the cross on the holy door & rub St. Peter's feet for a blessing
Breathtaking! The architecture is amazing. Ladies, bring a jacket to cover your shoulders, its policy. Take your time to walk around and LOOK UP. the extremely high ceiling is covered with artwork.
In the south transept is the tomb of Alexander VII Chigi, made by Bernini. Commissioned by the pope himself, but completed in 1678, 11 yrs after his death. Alessandro is humbly praying without tiara.
It is free to go in - but find a hawker outside the gates and get inside within 15 mins as well as getting an audio guide for 15 euro. It's legit! Beats a queue of 2+ hours in the hot sun...
Melhor visita da vida!!! Emocionante! Visite a Piazza San Pietro e em seguida faça a visita a Basílica e se puder e tiver uma graninha, suba até a cúpula! Perfeito!
The stateliness of Carlo Maderno’s seventeenth century façade... hints at the immensity of St. Peter’s Basilica inside, which today remains one of the largest churches in the world.
Place Managed by the Rome's Tourism Dept. in collaboration with //Avanti Concept Agency(แสดงเพิ่มเติม)