Try their green curry spaghetti. Is yum! Oh yah not to forget their tom yam. White Tom yam is clearer like our ABC soup while red Tom yam is more sourish n spicy. Cincaucoffee is a must!
Yellow curry is very spicy! You can choose the spiciness level. The scale of spiciness ranges from 1 to 6. 1 for 小辣,3for中辣,6for大辣. If you can take very very spicy, go for 3 first. 中辣. Don't order 大辣
Their spicy is really very spicy! Green curry taste awesome! Fried onionegg is nice! Coffeecincau is recommended. Closed on Sunday. Fast and friendly service!
BAD ATTITUDE. Ordered onionomelette. The lady: "we can only make sunnyside up egg. We're very busy. No time to beat eggs. You want it or not? If not then no need". YOU NEED AN HOUR TO BEAT AN EGG?