Punk and post-punk reign on the popular jukebox at The Library. If you have a hard time choosing your three plays for a buck, helpful handwritten notes provide a little insight. อ่านข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
I love this place. Great dive bar with low, warm lights, 2-for-1 happy hour drinks (if you tip!), and consistently great music. Plus the bartenders are v cool.
If you come here during happy hour they'll give you a little critter with a beer. Don't get too attached to your new friend though, you can trade them in for a free drink!
5-8pm 2-for-1 happy hr. Thurs ladies night 2-for-1 all night. Best jukebox. Possibly fave dive bar in the entire city. They know how to make em strong here. Bathrooms are disgusting, but it's great.
Divey but not too divey, this place still boasts a good beer selection while catering to the PBR and a shot crowd as well. Try to understand whatever weird ass movie they're showing.
A projection screen and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves make this hip dive a respite from Houston Street chaos. The clientele drink PBR for just a few bucks, and locals wouldn’t have it any other way.
A jukebox with an impressive punk rock collection, and a projector that's always showing 50s-70s erotica. Rock out to The Clash with some Bettie Page strip teases in the background.
Drinks are cheap, the jukebox is well curated, the music is loud, B movies run on loop on a projector in the back, and it's dingy without being unpleasant.
Awesome bar and a grrrrrreaaaat jukebox. People love to play Joy Division here, sprinkled with a bit of The Smiths and My Bloody Valentine. Clearly my cup of tea (/vodka).
See that comment below from "Michael Aiingorn" (Ayngorn, Einhorn, Aingorn, Aihnhorn, etc.)? He is a criminal scam artist. Don't accept one of his ATMs. The other 'real' name of his company is FTF Inc.
One of the best jukeboxes I've ever come across. Also, they play The Shining like ALL THE TIME, which is great if you like The Shining. (via Scoville) อ่านข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
Run into Anton Newcombe. Dance with him. Have him comment on how long your tongue is when you catch a snowflake with it outside, then he'll start singing to you. Btw, happy hour will get you trashed.