كافيه جميل تديره صاحبة المحل تانيا ماهر؛ تانيا شغوفة بالأكل الصحي و تستخدم منتجات طبيعية فقط في جميع أطباقها سواء الحلو اوالمالح. عجبتني فكرة الكافيه والمطعم فاتحمست واشتريت الكتاب.
Russian owner. Raw dishes (from pizza to Nutella), amazing breakfasts (banana pancakes!) & alcoholic cocktails on cold-pressed juices with addition of superfoods!
Amazing raw / clean / gluten free / health food and magical superfood cocktails. I loved that the served kombucha and raw cacao truffles. A must for health freaks and foodies.
Tanya’s offers delicious raw culinary art in a classy natural environment. Breakfast, lunch, cocktails, dinner, cold-pressed juices and raw chocolates.