Beautiful venue but the beer situation sucks. We had to pay $30 extra to get into VIP in order to buy $12 beers. I have been to a lot of shows and never experienced anything like this.
If you're 14-17 just leave. This is why the drinking age is 21 I'm laughing as your parents drag you by your hair to the car while you puke your brains out LOLOLOL
If you have orchestra seats, don't wear any shoes you would hate to be ruined! High tide can cause flooding (happened at Maroon 5 Wednesday). Had to stand in ankle deep water until the end of the show
Tickets for upcoming shows are on sale today only! Look for the roaming ticket sellers in the plazas for your chance to get great deals on great upcoming shows!” – Team Live Nation
Show us the iheartradio app on your iPhone, Blackberry or Android + get access to the VIP line! Listen to 103.5 KTU + 750+ other stations on your phone - FREE download @
Look for the Grasshopper ticket sellers roaming the plazas for your chance to purchase a discounted ticket close to the stage for tonight’s show – Team Live Nation
DRINK BEFORE U GO IN! .... they serve outside or pregame in the lot. Once you're in they don't serve alcohol and they don't let u out .. it's a cruel trap!
Eat before going inside and no alcoholic drinks. Only in the VPI area witch is an extra charge and ticket. Plus NO SHUTTLE BUSES to train station. Be prepared to pay $10 per person for a cab.