Lavendelstræde 15 (Mikkel Brygers Gade), โคเปนเฮเกน, Region Hovedstaden
บาร์เบียร์ · Indre By · 82 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์
Joe Cooper: There are so many international beers on tap here they have to show them on multiple TV screens. The atmosphere is a bit dull, but that just keeps the focus on the brews!
andreas christoffersen: 20 different taps of pure goodness. Danish microbrew? Go here! Led Zeppelin on the wall, Bob Dylan in the speakers. Hops in the air. Beautiful place. Highly recommended. Tip: ask for a taste b4 u buy
Borgergade 93 (Fredericiagade), København K, Region Hovedstaden
ผับ · Indre By · 30 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์
Adomas Sliužinskas: Danish craft beers in bottles and on tap, gourmet rum, whiskeys and very knowledgeable staff to help you cope with it all. Highly recommended!