The oldest italian ice creamrestaurant in town. With the old interior and taste still the same as before. They had originaly home-made ice cream. Try the rum raisins, tutti frutti, banana split.
The Spaghetti Ice Cream was awesome! Too bad the presentation was a little bit different if the place is understaffed. No problem on car parking spaces and the variety to enjoy with satay is a plus.
My wife loved the nougatice cream more than the queue. Pretty good for IDR 20k! Just go for the ice cream, the other food like the satay or the rujak juhi is both pricey and taste borderline.
Good old style ice cream! I personally like tutti frutti and spaghetti ice cream. Lots of delicious stalls nearby as well, check out the otak-otak, juhi & asinan, and sate!
So the house serves ice cream n chairs/tables, the kaki5 (hawkers) serves satay, gado2, fish cake, none of them shares profit, just one business drives the others. What a business model, but works :D
Spaghettiice cream-nya lumayan enak :9 Jangan makan di dalem, sumpek dan hati-hati ada Cici galak. Hehe. Makan di luar aja, sambil liatin kereta lewat :D
great taste, also the after taste! unlike most modern ice cream that left it's sweetness too long, ragusa taste different. the spaghetti ice cream is kickin', and the nougat rocks too!
pilihan tmpt mkn ice cream gw nih,, krn slain dkt dr rmh,, ice cream ny itu pny rasa yg beda..hmm yg paling yummy it, spagetiice cream... wuuihh ngilerr ngeces2 klo liat nih ice cream.. hihiii
Big deal, ngeluarin duit 50rb, gak cuma eskrim yang enak yang bakal di dapet, tapi pengalaman buat duduk di tempat yang katanya gak berubah dari jaman 90an. Famaous brand wlo tempat parkirnya sempit.