Mamacita is one of Luxembourg.

1. Mamacita

9, rue des bains, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
ร้านอาหารเม็กซิกัน · Ville-Haute · 53 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: This bar/restaurant is sure to put some latin flavor in your life! A personal favorite of mine is their signature tequilas and tacos that leave you wanting more.

Cathy Goedert is one of Luxembourg.

2. Cathy Goedert

Rue Chimay 8, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
เบเกอรี่ · Ville-Haute · 15 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: This quaint patisserie/boulangerie is a great for lunch/breakfast.The unique, mouth watering pastries has made this cafe more than just a meal, but an event.

Restaurant Mousel's Cantine is one of Luxembourg.

3. Restaurant Mousel's Cantine

Montée de Clausen 46, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
ร้านบาร์บีคิว · 15 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: This restaurant is the place for authentic Luxembourgish cuisine. Food is served on big silver platters and most meals comes with a sauerkraut & sausage.

Espaces Commercial - Boulevard De Trèves is one of Luxembourg.

4. Espaces Commercial - Boulevard De Trèves

ศูนย์การค้า · 2 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: The city center has become a haven of an array of high end stores yet practical ones as well. Try visiting the Espace Shopping center, Les Rives de Clausen or walk shop to shop along the city center.

Luxembourg City Tourist Office is one of Luxembourg.

5. Luxembourg City Tourist Office

Pl. Guillaume II, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
ข้อมูลและบริการท่องเที่ยว · Ville-Haute · 1 ทิปส์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: Its breathtaking landscapes are best scene by foot.Take a guided walking tour to learn about Lux's history while also meeting locals. Use to choose from different types of tours.

Palais Grand-Ducal is one of Luxembourg.

6. Palais Grand-Ducal

17 Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
พระราชวัง · Ville-Haute · 14 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: Placed in the heart of the city, seeing the 16Th century home of the Grand Duke of Lux is a must.It gives guests history & revealing classic Lux architecture

Viaduc de la Pétrusse is one of Luxembourg.

7. Viaduc de la Pétrusse

N50 (Pétrusse), ลักเซมเบิร์ก, Distrikt Lëtzebuerg
สะพาน · Ville-Haute · 3 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: This city is known for its medieval layout, including its many castles across the city. Be sure to check out the famous Petrus Kasematten castle near the Pretusse bridge.

La Passerelle is one of Luxembourg.

8. La Passerelle

สะพาน · 1 ทิปส์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: This historic bridge that connects the two main sections of Lux city is not only a great path to see the city but also offers a picturesque view.

Espace Mobilité Le MET' is one of Luxembourg.

9. Espace Mobilité Le MET'

1 avenue Robert Schuman
เอเจนซี่ท่องเที่ยว · 1 ทิปส์

OnFeature T.OnFeature Team: Most of this city is walkable,but public transport is accused easily.Buses run through Lux city with signs to explain routes. Did I mention it's free to ride?