Luky Luciano: Nice park to hang around, play Basketball or just walk around. But to many people and to many street vendors try to sell you selfie sticks and other Stuff.
Alter Stadtbahnhof 1, Lahr/Schwarzwald, รัฐบาเดิน-เวือร์ทเทมแบร์ก
ศูนย์การค้า · 1 ทิปส์
Luky Luciano: Gutes Angebot an Mittagessen, lohnt sich. Sehr großer und vielfältiger Edeka. Ansonsten alles was man braucht vom Friseur über Kleidung bis zum Juwelier.
Luky Luciano: Come there early in the morning to see the sunrise, just beautiful. But since February '17 they raise up the prices for entry, now you have to pay 37$ for one day.