ห้องสมุด · Central Sheffield · 3 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์
Gaz: Great place if you Like reading and being Very very Quiet........ On the Flip side, a Great place if you Hate reading, Like making Noise and Love getting thrown out of places..... Enjoy it either way.
Sergey Rod: Фотопечать с ручной коррекцией, фотокниги, реставрация фоток, холст, афиши, меню, Визитки, фото на документы, ламинация, брошюровка и много чего ещё! +7 495 7766701
ร้านอาหาร · Ataköy 7-8-9-10 Mahalle · 413 คำแนะนำและคำวิจารณ์
Ali ihsan ylncnky ~ 1907 😎💷🍺🆓: Berbat valla buzlu içecek istedim buz ve su tadı alıyorsun başka bi içindeki meyve tadı yok yazık böyle ismi olan bi yerin bu şekilde içecek satmaları aynısını kahve dünyasında içinde lezzet görün....
Gaz: When coming here, shed the unwanted pounds. Try going commando. The type of Commando that goes into Battle having left his clothes at home. Wish I'd done this, might not have gained a pound, then.
Gaz: This 1 should be named after the Class of Staff here, with their Tenacity to Failure, their Impeccable lack of understanding and their Resistance towards the Formidable Question "Could I have No Mayo"
Ellei: Надоело жить про правилам? MISS BAD GIRL! 11 июля!Начало в 23:00LINE UP:Ирина КрестининаДмитрий СкалозубовВедущий — Иван ПотехинDJ KOVALEVSKYSKY PJ SHOWSKY LOUNGE AFTP — 03:00
Gaz: Great Hospital, real shame that the mayor is a little Ignorant..... Yes, that was a Friend Request 6 months ago..... Am i Not good enough!?!? Why Not Rip my Heart out and stand on it while your at it!