Great people. Hi-Dive is open an honest about payouts. Work hard, bring a crowd, and these guys will definitely help you out. PS. Green room walls are covered in hilarious band name puns.
"One of our favorite venues. It's a dive bar with killer live bands from out of town. Hipster central, fixie bikes, tattoos and beards optional. Get some vegan corn dogs next door." -New Cassettes
Excellent rock n roll bar. The crowd, not so much.. But great music as always. They have the best damn grilled cheese i've ever had at Sputnik! Highly recommend checking their bar food.
No need to ask the bartender if you need water, there are coolers next to the arcade machines (which include Mortal Kombat II, Street Fighter, and Terminator 2: The Arcade Game).
Three words, Vegan Corn Dogs. Stage is big enough for a five piece to move around comfortably, loud and clear PA. the 'autumn' aleon tap is a favourite. Fixie bike and moustache optional
Don't bother primping or brushing your teeth. This crowd isn't about the single scene, its about the music. Reminds me of the old Club Soda in K-zoo. Great music. Show up and you'll be mesmerized.
Thirsty? Hope it's not for beer. Olympia, Schlitz, High Life, Coors, Long Lake, etc in cans, and the almighty PBRon tap. This isn't hipster, this is shit, sir.
This place is horrible. They upsell you on a bad drink and when you ask to trade it they want to charge you for both. Don't get The Thor!! SPICY and I like hot stuff. YUCK!