Janet T. • กุมภาพันธ์ 27, 2017Publix is a clean, well organized & well run supermarket offering excellent produce, fish, meat, canned & frozen foods, most anything you'd expect in a supermarket. Employee owned, u can sense pride.
@kdeamat ™. • มีนาคม 3, 2012Tequila novice or enthusiast?? Go for Riazul Tequila Anejo. An explosion of flavors that linger on the palate. Take it from me @TQLAficionada
David F. • มีนาคม 13, 2012Get food from the deli counter. The price is ridiculously cheap and the portions are monstrous.
Cristy J. • กรกฎาคม 23, 2016Great wine store right next to my house :) They have good Chardonnay selection and affordable red wine for my boyfriend
Andre' F. • ธันวาคม 9, 2014Excellent place for beer and lunch to take a way. Try chopped pork ribs with a pack of cold ice Corona. Perfect to go before the beach.
TokahontasNYC • กรกฎาคม 28, 201024hour grocery spot that I frequent at least 2 times a day. Beware of the crazies that buy lotto there, they slow up the line.
Julee • ธันวาคม 13, 2018Есть где погулять, что посмотреть. Много отделов с одеждой, точно можно найти то что хочется! На любой вкус и кошелёк!
Issa A. • มิถุนายน 13, 2016Pretty good cuban pastries and sandwiches! Nice employees and decent prices. Excellent air conditioning blast was sooo money
Eva A. • เมษายน 14, 2017Linda calle, con gran oferta gastronómica, siempre muy concurrida, para evitar espera no llegar más tarde de las 20:30pm para cenar o tendrán q armarse de paciencia
Marizza W. • พฤษภาคม 21, 2014great service, free cups with ice offered to bring your drinks to the beach!
Marco C. • พฤศจิกายน 20, 2013Muita variedade de bebidas e ótimos preços. Ainda assim, se for passar pelo Free Shop do aeroporto de Miami e de São Paulo, vale pesquisar os preços antes!
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