Washington Square Hotel • พฤษภาคม 23, 2012NYC's oldest site of continuous religious practice (and 2nd oldest church), this community active church goes back to when New York was called New Amsterdam. Peter Stuyvesant is entombed here.
Lew W. • กันยายน 19, 2016This is where my spiritual heart resides. A beautiful and welcoming congregation that presents all that is good and true about the Orthodox Church. Come visit!
Ron • ธันวาคม 22, 2012This church has one if the best Spanish choirs in the city. I always feel The Lord when I go to church here.
Ibrahim M. • ธันวาคม 22, 2011If you are hungry, come home have lunch. If you can spare time, come help out in the kitchen. If you are feeling charitable - please donate to this community church in East Village. Cheers
Andrew F. • มีนาคม 14, 2015Just walk in on most days and check out the amazing Baroque and Romanesque architecture on the inside (common Victorian Era style). The church was built from 1851-1852 and is made out of limestone.
Sara C. • ตุลาคม 10, 2013join us for coffee @ 4:30 pm before service. 1st Sundays of the month, we dine at nearby Ngam Restaurant after worship service.
Kacie P. • ธันวาคม 22, 2012Come with an open heart and hands to serve...there's nothing like loving and serving people while being selfless.
Mercedes S. • มกราคม 25, 2015The 10:15 am mass has a strong attendance. Schedule: Sundays: 12 noon and 7:30 pm mass in English. Spanish: 10:15 am. Daily mass in chapel: 5:30 pm.
Albie V. • มิถุนายน 23, 2013If you are searching, are lost, or just need a reminder of what love and happiness is, one step will bring you closer to some place new. Come, and be moved!
Cari • มิถุนายน 23, 2013Name of the precious theater still legible in the facade
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