Thiago L. • กรกฎาคม 8, 2017Criado pra homenagear as vitórias de Napoleão, quando ficou pronto o mesmo estava preso. O arco passou a ser um monumento pela paz. Jovens costumam se reunir a noite no local pra beber e bater papo.
Raluca M. • มิถุนายน 19, 2016True Milano hotspot, all high-end fashion brands so can also be viewed as a museum 😂 Amazing architecture, especially in a sunny day ❤️ Must see!
Thamer • ตุลาคม 4, 2014Great piece of art and history.. Carful from those who wanna give you bird seeds, they will ask for money.
Laura N. • เมษายน 8, 2016Una piccola oasi di relax al centro di Milano: affollato nei giorni di primavera, soprattutto da famiglie con bambini (proprio qui c'è infatti il Museo dei bambini)!
Silvia • ตุลาคม 23, 2010Location interessante di per sé, propone quasi sempre mostre che son delle deliziose chicche.
Francesca S. • สิงหาคม 28, 2014La mia zona preferita di Milano: belle case, bella gente, tanti localini per un movida discreta ma intensa!
Chie • กันยายน 13, 2016フランスによる占領時にはナポレオンの住まいになっていたというお屋敷。今ではイタリアブランドのオフィスやショールームが入っています。入り口のドームがとても雰囲気があります。
Loretta F. • มกราคม 9, 2012The Duomo is the most beautiful monument of the city. You have to go on the roof top to see the city from the terraces.
eric b. • มกราคม 21, 2021Stunning gem of a church with incredible architecture and carvings. Really a special and spiritual place.
Jennifer E. • กรกฎาคม 13, 2015Worth the two euros to get in. Easy to walk through and feels amazing in the summer when you need to get out of the heat.
Lewis T. • เมษายน 29, 2018Gorgeous monuments and lovely walk in the sunshine. The only cemetery with a tourist map! Worth a visit if you’re in Chinatown.
Matteo M. • ตุลาคม 31, 2016Uno spettacolo! Due palazzi che sicuramente si fanno riconoscere. Ottimo esempio di verde tra il cemento anziché il contrario.
David • เมษายน 23, 2015Beautiful square near the galleria Vittorio Emmanuel II and the Scala. The monument representing Leonardo da Vinci is superb.
Giorgio T. • ตุลาคม 4, 2012Incantevole e romantica nelle sere d'autunno, vista dal ponte e completamente immersa nella nebbia.
Chris M. • เมษายน 3, 2015A great experience seeing the Last Supper. Way bigger than I had expected, and not at all the environment I had expected it to be in. A very cool sight to see.
Desirèe M. • มกราคม 2, 2013Una delle piazze più tranquille di Milano pur essendo in una zona molto frequentata. Ideale per fare qualche shoot in primavera
Berkay Ş. • ธันวาคม 8, 2015One of the best churches of Milan and Italy. The perspective effect done by Bramante at the end is simply stunning. Too bad that its façade hides itself from the streets of Duomo.
Nicola P. • สิงหาคม 25, 2012Una delle tante belle piazze di Milano, ad Agosto con poca gente in giro è fantastica
cnelson ︻. • กันยายน 28, 2014Delicious home made dishes available from impromptu vendors on Sundays!
Milano è Turismo • กันยายน 17, 2012The Basilica, whose façade is set back from Corso Garibaldi but is nonetheless visible from that street, is one of the four churches built by bishop Ambrose.
Milano è Turismo • กันยายน 21, 2012Eretto nel 1561 su disegni di Vincenzo Seregni, in epoca rinascimentale ospitò il Collegio dei Nobili Dottori mentre nell’Ottocento venne riadattato a Borsa Valori.
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