Andy Walden: Boise-Cascade built the landmark in 1971 to mimic an old-fashioned canoe sail, representing the sky and the ocean. From here, onlookers are treated to a spectacular view of both — from Kona to Kohala.
Andy Walden: The new upstairs store is now open with a wide variety of goods from Japan, Korea, the PRC, Taiwan, Thailand and other Asian countries, including kitchen ware, herbal remedies, bath supplies and more.
Andy Walden: Michael and Jan are “Punatics” — happy naturists living in Puna District of the Island of Hawai‘i. Their c/o retreat is nestled in the Orchidlands rain forest and is affiliated w/ AANR, INA and TNS.
Andy Walden: Nudists from 69 Beach moved to the Hāpuna side as homes at the Puakō end were built until resolving to the tiny cove across the bay. They blazed a trail starting at utility pole № 67 — hence the name.
Andy Walden: I SUPPORT FREEDOM OF SPEECH ... no city, state or federal gov't has the right to bar a free enterprise from opening a legitimate business based on the owner's beliefs.